Without surgery how to pass a kidney stone forever in 24 hours? It scared us when we heard about kidney stone, probably a lot of side thoughts arise like surgery, pain, expense etc. but there are natural methods of removing kidney stones that are equally effective and less painful. Here, through this article, we are trying our best to convey the easiest and safe home remedies to dissolve kidney stones. Before writing about without surgery how to pass a kidney stone forever in 24 hours let us discuss a few necessary points.
What is Kidney Stone and How It is Formed?
Kidney stones are formed when crystal forming compounds like calcium, oxalate and uric acid get mixed up with urine in a large amount. As a result, they remain undiluted in the urine and get deposited in hard shapes inside the kidney or urinary tract. This type of stone deposition or kidney stone diseases is called Urolithiasis.
So in brief, the term kidney stone or renal calculi are a form of calcification made up of excess minerals and salts. All these components get harder and build up inside the kidney wall in crystal form. When these crystal form began to assemble in multiple numbers a pebble-like compact form of stone is formed which is called kidney stone.
Important Facts Regarding, Formation Of Kidney stone:
1): All parts of our urinary system take an active part to filter the waste material from the blood.
2): After filtering the waste substances excreted through urine.
3): Kidney plays the role of a filter that strains out all the waste materials from the blood. In this way, it helps to keep the amount of salt and other minerals in appropriate quantity to maintain the proper balance.