Facial hair has shown to be a real beauty issue for women over 30. Apart from the face, they can show up on your hands, legs and back. Our newsletter subscribers answered a poll conducted by our beauty ‘squad’, on how much facial hair reduces their self confidence? The poll’s answer was as expected, a lot!
Facial hair – the self confidence killer
Over 82% of our female subscribers answered that they couldn’t go to a job interview without removing their facial hair first! Facial hair can be a nasty date ruiner. Exactly 89% voted that they would cancel a date if hair would be visible on their face. As such, unwanted hair on the face can easily ruin self-confidence, so people try and get rid of it.
Causes for facial hair to appear
The reasons for the appearance of hair can be:
- hormonal imbalance,
- medication,
- irregular cycle,
- pregnancy.
Ways to remove unwanted facial hair
You can remove hairs in many ways:
- laser,
- car wax,
- shaving,
- electrolysis,
but keep in mind, they all take time and can be quite expensive!
Nature, however, helps, while at the same time it’s drastically cheap. Here’s a recipe that is made by only two ingredients, but it is extremely effective.
Recipe to remove facial hair
You’ll need:
- a cup of baby oil
- 1 tablespoon iodine 2%
Preparation & applying
The preparation is simple as mixing them together in a glass or plate, and that’s it. Apply the final mixture on the skin for 2 minutes, then wipe the area with a damp cloth. Repeat the procedure for 7 straight days. Facial hair will then disappear by itself.
ps: Eagerly waiting for feedback in the comments section.