CBD Oil Versus Pot: What’s the Difference?
The CBD oil used in commercial pet products is not the same thing as pot. It is one of more than 80 naturally-occurring cannabinoids (natural compounds that effect receptors in the nervous system) in the cannabis plant. It is non-psychotropic, which means it can’t make you or your furred companion feel high. THC, meanwhile, is another cannabinoid present in the cannabis plant that does alter mental state, says Dr. Robert Silver, a holistic veterinarian and author of “Medical Marijuana & Your Pet: The Definitive Guide.”
How the Pet Industry is Using CBD Oil
Pet products not sold through dispensaries are made from hemp-based CBD, says Dr. Gary Richter, a veterinarian who practices at Montclair Veterinary Hospital in Oakland, California.
Manufacturers add CBD oil to pet treats, and it’s available as a supplement and as a liquid extract. It’s used to treat numerous conditions, including anxiety, arthritis, epilepsy, cancer, appetite stimulation, and nausea, says Silver.
Does CBD Oil Work?
While there are thousands of studies studying CBD’s effectiveness in treating human conditions, those on pets are just beginning, says Richter.
For example, the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Colorado State University is currently conducting studies to determine CBD’s usefulness in treating epilepsy and osteoarthritis in dogs and are running two clinical trials on dogs who already have these conditions (participation is voluntary and dependent upon pet parental consent).
Is CBD Oil Safe?
CBD in and of itself is very safe, says Richter, adding that the worst side effect that would be expected would be drowsiness or possibly GI upset. “Any product purchased from a (pot) dispensary however, may contain THC which has a much higher incidence of toxicity,” he says.
The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center has received cases of dogs who have ingested CBD and developed signs of toxicity that were attributed to THC ingestion, says Dr. Tina Wismer, medical director at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center in New York City.
This may be the result of a quality control issue, she says.
“Some CBD products also contain THC which has a much higher incidence of toxicity,” he says. “Any product purchased from a cannabis dispensary should only be given with direct veterinary supervision.”
Is CBD Oil Legal?
The federal government is in the process of developing its regulatory stance on CBD oil, says Silver, however, the three agencies involved in the process – the FDA, DEA, and USDA – are in disagreement about what that should be.
“Currently, the DEA claims that the non-psychotropic resins from the cannabis plant [like CBD] are Schedule I controlled substances, just like THC,” he says.
Meanwhile, the FDA is set to grant approval for three CBD-containing drugs, which means CBD can’t be classified as a Schedule I drug, since it’s contradictory for a Schedule I drug to also be an FDA-approved drug, he says.
In addition, the USDA is rolling out programs to support hemp farmers, and sees hemp as an American agricultural commodity. Legislation like the Industrial Hemp Farming Act, which would support these farmers, is pending in Congress, Silver says.